Texting While Driving Lawyer Brooklyn

Is texting while driving causing a Brooklyn accident epidemic?
Texting while driving is becoming a national epidemic. Brooklyn-based texting while driving attorneys have defend drivers injured in accidents caused by texting, talking on cell phones and other distractions, representing clients in Brooklyn NY.

How serious is the texting epidemic? In 2011, over 23% of auto accidents were connected to cell phone use in some way, that’s at least 1.3 million wrecks! In addition, texting behind the wheel accelerates the likelihood of accidents by more than 20%, according to the Online Schools website.

While fingers can be pointed at teens and twentysomethings, it’s a dangerous trend that everyone is susceptible to. Younger drivers are the worst, but adults do their share of damage while “multitasking” from the driver’s seat.

About 13% of 18-20 year olds involved in accidents own up to texting or talking on their cells when their crashes took place. However, a quarter of adults (27%) say they’ve texted while driving at some point, compared to 34% of teens. So there’s plenty of blame to go around.

At medium and high speeds, the seconds lost to texting can lead to many forms of erratic behavior on the roads, causing drivers to cross lanes, drift into oncoming traffic, and crash into cars in front of them without noticing.

Brooklyn texting while driving lawyers represent car accident victims
Our experienced legal team not only includes shrewd personal injury attorneys, but also determined investigators with years of proven experience digging into the causes of accidents. So if you or someone you care about was injured in an accident involving a driver who was texting or talking on a cell phone when the accident occurred, reach out to our texting while driving lawyers for a free consultation. When you begin working with our legal team, you’ll be able to focus on recovering your physical health and mental equilibrium. Call today.

Also: http://www.caraccidentlawyer-brooklyn.com/accident-type/road-rage/